Kyle and I watched Weekend (from 1967) last week, and Paris 36 (i'm not sure if this is out in the states yet, it was a pre-screening and the actress and director were there!) a couple of nights ago. Two very different films definitely worth seeing. Weekend is crazy to explain so i'm not even going to try. Paris 36 is about a group of people who lose their beloved music hall and reopen and make it a success with lots of interesting acts. I don't know how to explain it without making it sound awful because i typically hate musicals. This isn't a musical's a film that has singing haha. Just go see it (:
Kyle and I also took a trip to St.Paul for the first time! Funny that we live in the "twin cities" but hadn't been over to the other side until last saturday. We went to a delicious pastry shop called A Piece of Cake. The ad we saw for it said "do you know someone who loves ribbons, bows, kitties, ballerinas?" and i said YES YES ME. The shop didn't have any of that stuff so i was a little disappointed but i had one of the best cupcakes of my life. I checked out the College of Visual Arts (which is in a lovely mansion surrounded by the largest preserved victorian neighborhood in the country ooo!) buuti'm fairly positive i won't apply because we still don't know where to live!. It's looking like we're moving back to kansas city. probably. maybe.
I came home monday (my worst day of the week because of my dumb drawing class) and found that lovely, enormous I love you note on the kitchen wall! My husband is adorable.
Mondays and tuesdays are noooooooooo fun at all for me. Monday, I have drawing from 1-6 and it's a horrible experience for many reasons..but mostly I hate having to carry a huge portfolio bag full of stuff, a huge drawing board, a very very huge newsprint pad, and other various things from my apartment to car, then from the school parking lot into the class...all in the freezing cold. And then tuesdays, I have a Life in Art class studying Diane Arbus in the morning, and then photo class 1-6. but today...wednesdays, I have no classes! I don't know what I'd do without my open wednesday. It feels nice to relax for a few hours. aaahhhhh.
Last night, Kyle and I watched Penelope! It wasn't the best, but had adorable moments and the set design of her bedroom was pretty much my dream room. I especially love the little terrariums she had. I haven't made one of those since elementary school so I'm thinking it's about time to start up again!
ps if you have netflix, you can watch Penelope instantly online!
pps! America's next top model's new season started tonight, and in the commercial break tyra said that girls can be under 5'7 (previously you had to be above that) to audition for next season....i'm 5'6..hhmmmm... ... .. hahha