I really don't understand why people hate God so much.
Like Anne Graham said, we've been pushing him out of lives for years and when things start to get bad, we ask "if God's so good, why isn't he fixing everything?"
hmmm, I wonder.
Some of my best friends who used to be Christians, or at least civil about the existence of God, now don't just disbelieve, but just flat out "hate" Him.
Where is this coming from?
People say that Christians try to shove their beliefs down everyone's throats, but it's really just the opposite.
Now, you have to claim to be atheist of some obscure sect of Eastern religion to be cool.
So, why isn't it cool to be Christian? I haven't learned anything crude on indecent from the Bible. I've learned to love everybody whether they believe in God or not, and strive to be like Jesus. What did He ever do that's so wrong? We've all had those annoying, irritating experiences with people who CLAIM to be "Christians"..those people who always wear shirts that say "God's Princess" or something along those lines, who tell you you're going to hell, who go to church on sundays and cry their eyes out, and then act like jerks every other day of the week.
Those people are NOT an accurate representation of God's people. The Church is what is corrupt- not God.
I don't want to have to hide the fact that I believe in God, because it'll hurt my coolness status..
and I wish other people didn't either.
Anyway, Kyle's working with the History Channel for some fancy commercial all day, and I'm moving all of our stuff to our new apartment. We have too much stuff.