Wednesday, February 22, 2012

cry cry cry

A few new things from my journal. If you're interested in french new wave cinema, I need your help! I'm gathering screen shots of those lovely ladies crying for a new book I'm making. I already have one of Anna Karina and Brigitte Bardot. Do you know of any other crying scenes?
I might extend the project to include ladies from other new wave cinema movements, outside of french.
This week has been busy with MN fashion week and learning letterpress (so exciting!), but maybe I can squeeze in time to watch some old favorites for crying moments. Please let me know if there's a great one you can think of!


Annarack said...

OMG!!! I love that first cute. I would buy that as a print.

Unknown said...

I missed your posts! Love the illustration & the collage!

lola said...

Great collage x

AVY said...

I wish I could...


she. said...

these are amazing; i'm always happy to see a post from you.

Anonymous said...

The first image is adorable. Sorry I can't be of any help with the films...

Valerie EnrĂ­quez said...

That books idea sounds lovely and that cat drawing is so cute. I'll have to think of crying girls in old films, only ingmar bergman comes to mind (through a glass darkly) but thats quite from french new wave :)

anabela / fieldguided said...

Another vote for a kitty print! I just love it.

I don't know of any French new wave crying scenes either... I guess those ladies were pretty tough!

Courtney said...

They are both awesome! Lovely artwork! I hope your project turns out well.

hannah said...

super pretty, and a great idea

Jackie said...

I am not sure if I commented on this before, but I just wanted to say that if you ever decided to put your prints on clothing, like t-shirts, I would totally want them. Nice update xoooo

Emily said...

I didn't read this properly and was going to suggest Audrey Hepburn crying in Breakfast at Tiffanys. I don't know much about french new wave cinema but I'd love to see some films, what are your favourites?

Helena Perez Garcia said...

Lovely blog!

liz. said...
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Selina said...

Your art is so amazingly beautiful. wow.

Unknown said...

I like your work.Your post,yoor cloth every thing is amazing. sleepy's coupon